my mind feels like it might explode trying to remember this but i will do my best.
so at about my 34 week check up my midwife put me on bed rest. i thought it would be fun but not really. i had to be in a reclined position for most of the day. i was aloud to get up to pee and i could sit up for one meal a day. the worst part was all the people yelling at me for picking up anything or doing pretty much anything.
katie was a huge help. she cleaned my house, did my dishes and brought me yummy food. i think i would have gone crazy without her.
the next few weeks consisted of lots of doctor appointments in
lenoir and
winston. it is really blurry at this point. my 37
th week is when everything seemed to happen. i went to see my supervision physician and he thought it would be best to induce me so they could monitor
emmaline the whole time. after a lot a debating they called my on
spetember 11
th and
told me they would be inducing me that afternoon. that is when the fun really began.
we headed down the mountain after josh got home and i started having kind of regular contractions on the way. when we got there they weren't ready for us because they thought we were going to get there an hour later. we got settled in and they hooked me up the monitors. of course the heartbeat was really wacky and the nurse freaked out. she called my midwife and doctor who both said not to worry and they started my induction. by the next morning i was hurting and ready for my epidural. the only problem was that the pediatrician on call wasn't "comfortable" and wouldn't let them deliver me there. about an hour later i was in an ambulance without my husband going to
winston where they have a
the staff there was wonderful. they got me my epidural before they restarted the induction. they had given me really good
meds on the way to stall the contractions. there were people constantly coming in to check on me and introduce themselves. once my pain
meds were flowing everyone left me alone. i sent josh to get some dinner and then it happened. my epidural stopped working. it was worse then with
isa. in the end they got it working again right in time to push so i couldn't feel a thing. once i was ready to push all the doctors descended. there were three for me three for em and one to supervise everyone. i only had to push through three contractions which was great. in the end the doctors were gone within 15 minutes of delivery.
emmaline and i were completely fine. the rest of the hospital stay was pretty boring.
emmaline was very, very sleepy and didn't really wake up for days.
when i average out the last few weeks
emmaline ended up being at the doctor about every other day. first she was jaundiced. then four day check up. then constipated. then reflux, then
ENT. then pedantic
ENT. then anesthesiologist. then two week check up. now surgery.
when she was at her constipation visit the doctor noticed she was mouth breathing. after examining her he realized she wasn't getting any air through her nose. so, he
referred her to the first
ENT and he realised that her right nostril was
completely sealed. this is what lead us to several stressful weeks of blue babies and no sleep.
she is doing really well right now after the surgery. she is learning not to panic when she eats and breath through her now open nostril.
i really hope that my baby will relax a little so we can enjoy having a newborn.
isa is going crazy because she can't help with her much since she choke all the time. it will take some time for em to readjust to nose breathing but when she does it will be great.
i'll do a more detailed post about her surgery and hospital stay later.
i realize this might not make much sense. if anyone has additional questions about what happened just comment ask it. i will also update on our latest hospital stay when it is over and i can process it.