
Probably a Good Thing I Didn't See These a Year Ago

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If I were going to get a Harry Potter tattoo...

Elder Wand tattoo down the side of my right forearm—first under a blacklight immediately after it was finished, then under normal lighting after it healed three weeks later.  I love it! The design is exactly what I wanted to symbolize the huge impact the Harry Potter series has had on my life, and ink came out just as I’d hoped! People who don’t know it’s a tattoo either just think it’s a scar or don’t notice it altogether, and I carry a little blacklight on my keychain so that I can show it off if I want. I like the fact that I can pick and choose who I want to share it with, unlike my other tattoos that aren’t in UV ink.  Done at Infamous Ink in Waco, TX.

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Brittany H. said...

The wand on the finger is pretty cool. Hard to follow the whole wand/bone one...

Megan said...

yeah that one is really big. i mostly liked the glowing part of it not the actual tattoo.

Mary Ann said...

will you read her new (for grown-ups) book?

Megan said...

it depends. we'll see if it strikes me. i'm a very picky reader.

Josh said...

You should be as picky with your tatoo choices.

Megan said...

your mom should be as picky about her tattoo choices!!