I always have to laugh a little bit when I see those "Support Our Troops" magnets or stickers on peoples cars. Do they think that by putting that on their car they are actually supporting them? In actuality you are supporting walmart. They took your money right? You boosted their business right? Why then doesn't it say support our walmart? Because that wouldn't sell. Do you think they are giving one cent of that money to the troops? I personally don't like walmart. They support quite a few things I don't. I also find their founder to be a lying jerk. I guess that in reality I am laughing to keep myself from rolling down the window and yelling about how stupid these people are. What good does this sticker/statement do? Nothing unless you have stock in walmart.
Don't try to get on here and say people put these on their car to show moral support. That is just dumb. What person would really say they hate the troops? It's just kind of understood that we support them. I can only figure that they are trying to make it look like they do something more than the rest of us when in reality they aren't.
Several years ago all the craze was "Baby on Board." I hated those signs. Did those folks really think their child being in the car would make me more rational or a better driver? And those "Drive Carefully - Horses on Board" really irk me. If folks think I am dangerous to their children and pets, let them keep them off the highway. I agree with you, Megan. I think people put the "Support our Troops" magnets on their cars because they don't want to do anything to really support our troops - like supporting a government that understands and respects the military. On the Wal-Mart thing, I'm not as violently oppsed to Wal-Mart as you seem to be. The company provides lots of jobs, and minimum wage is better than nothing, which is what most their employees would have without Wal-Mart. Also, I like the fact I can find what I want. And they have a very liberal return policy. Still, they could be better, I suppose.
Bennie | 06.23.05 - 4:58 pm | #
ok. i'll just stop saying "i love you." i mean, what kind of idiot would say he hates his wife? it's just kind of understood that i love you.
Josh | 06.24.05 - 11:49 pm | #
The thing about Wal-Mart is that they bully companies into giving discounts on the inventory that they sell in their stores. A lot of times companies offer discounts if a company will pay their bills in a certain amount of time, usually 30-90 days. Wal-Mart will take the discount and pay well after that time is up. And companies have to give it to them because its Wal-Mart. If they don't sell in Wal-Mart, they are SOL.
Also, not everyone supports the troops. Its not really understood. A lot of troops feel like they are not getting support because so many people do not believe in the war. Plus my mom has one of those things on her car. She isn't even American. She retained her Scottish citizenship. Theres really no point to that last statement, just saying.
Justin | 06.25.05 - 12:19 am | #
I agree with you Megan about the stickers. For some reason this reminds me of some of the people I have known over the years who always tell others that they are Christians, but do so in a bragging kind of way for some reason. And then they will do or say things just the opposite. By their fruits, I guess.
Rise | 06.25.05 - 3:07 pm | #
Two things:
I'm pretty sure josh was just trying to have some fun, so I won't lay into this too much, but NO it isn't understood that if you have a wife you love her. That's why you have to say it.
Second, the fact that Walmart is selling the stickers successfully is a greater commentary on our capitalist system than anything else. We are buying what they are selling, and nobody is holding a gun to anyone's head. Free country and all that hoo-ha.
I really, really hate it that supporting the troops became synonomous with supporting the war. And supporting it all is synonomous with "patriotism". Whatever.
Mary Ann | Homepage | 06.26.05 - 7:51 am | #
DOH! I have to admit, I bought my sticker at Wal-Mart. I never had one before Dale joined the army. I have it on my car for sentimental reasons. It kinda makes me feel like I'm cheering for Dale - showing "army spirit". After Dale joined the army I started to notice those stickers more and more and they made me smile. To me, they are a kind of morale booster. I like my sticker. HOOAH!
Shalene | 06.26.05 - 3:55 pm | #
like i said it's to boost your morale. i don't lump you with those peole shalene b/c you and dale are actually doing something to support the troops. dale is a part of that group. although i wish you bought it somwwhere else
to mary ann and juston,
i agree with mary ann. just b/c people don't support the war doesn't mean they don't support the troops. it just means they don't like what they have to do. they know it's not thier choice. most of them you probably not be at war and i think most people know that. i hate walmart for way to many reasons to list here. they are very smart in how the run thier business i will say that. i just don't like it. i don't think they are forcing anyone to do anything. they just know how to sell.
megan | 06.26.05 - 9:12 pm | #
dave is a queer. the only way he would be straight is if he was in a world where everyone was queer, and then it would be queer to be straight. he needs to take an anti-fag pill. my name is quentin harris and my phone number is 336-918-6384.
i was merely trying to save you some embarassment in the last comment my husband left. i decided that rather than only delete his comment i would take out all the nasty ones made on my haloscan comments. if you would like everyone to see. i can try and find then though.
That would be Brigham Young
don't pretend like you weren't trying to get a rise. we would be impressed that you knew that quote, but you need to know it. you need it to defend yourself by twisting things and making it sound like you were being sooo innocent. i don't care if Jesus himself said it, it doesn't apply to you, because you were trying to be offensive in your own cutesy, self-righteous way.
yeah, and my dad can beat up your dad, and your mother's a whore, and so on. where are we going here, dave? as far as i can tell you have no redeeming qualities. at least i do stick up for my wife. i didn't even agree with this post, but i was able to play nice. you're just looking for trouble. that makes you a jerk. i'm sure you could care less... actually, i think you do care. that's why you keep coming back to teach us all (me) a lesson. i appreciate your concern with my understanding of gospel principles. but if you were so righteous, you wouldn't be such a jerk causing so much contention. and yes, you're inability to apologize for your disgusting behavior, but not only that, your incessant posturing and inability to just go away, in addition to your admission to liking to cause contention, warrant my irritation. if you were in my home i would have kicked your ass a long time ago.
dave, i think you are an ass. everyone who read this blog thinks you are an ass. i bet most of the people who know you think you are an ass. i know this blog is on the internet and some would think that makes it public. i don't think that way. i think this is my personal space. so i really mean it when i say this. don't comment here again unless you want to have, like a real conversation.
Now, come on here folks. This is getting rather out of hand. While I think he is wrong in this case, this Dave-bashing is a bit much.
Dave does have redeeming qualities, even if those don't include a knowledge of when to stay out.
but apparently he can't show any of those. i can't help it if i got several new males to stnad up for me when i got married. i just can't stand when people only contribute to a conversation to try and cause contention. if dave would like to talk about flowers, bears, puppies or other cuddly cute things i would be glad to hear about it.
Megan- I'm glad you posted this one... this is how I feel about the lance armstrong bracelets. Ryan and I had these bracelets for a good 5 months before they became such a huge hit.Now, neither of us will wear them because it has become a "fad".
At first it truly was a support thing and almost NOBODY had one except avid athletes and cancer research supporters then Lance started giving them out to his celebrity friends which turned the livestrong bracelets into some kind of social club type of thing, IF you could get your hands on one since they were selling out so fast.
Awesome that lots of money was raised... awesome people "show their support" for cancer research... not awesome that I see overweight slackers wearing them everyday. And not awesome that I see tons of people hanging their cancer sticks out the window with their bright yellow bracelet on.
People are idiots! That's what I've decided. I refuse to put a yellow ribbon on my car, it is also a fad not an actual way to show support. There are a lot of ways you can show the military support, ie. the pen pal program. However, we are going to be slight sell outs because we are in search for a ribbon magnet that I saw in Raleigh a couple weeks ago. It is camo. not yellow and says "We love our Army Uncle"... where I dont support war or all of the things that the military does, we do support Uncle GI Dale.
But for the record, walmart doesn't sell those! :)
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